April 06, 2010 1 min read

We just sent an email out to our list members but wanted to post this here as well. The long-and-short is that we’re going to be giving away a dubbing needle at the end of the month by pulling a name from our email list. If you’d like to sign up and take a shot, you can find the signup form on the right hand side of this page. As you can see, these aren’t your average dubbing needles.

A few years ago Junior made up a bunch of them and they went like hotcakes (I think we charged $100 or $150 and they all sold out pretty quickly) and included their own tube, decorative reel seat, etc. Anyway, this past winter Junior discovered one that had been hiding among some tackle we had squirreled away and thought it might be fun to give it away to celebrate the coming of spring. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us. Good luck!


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