October 24, 2010 2 min read

Well, a number of folks have emailed to ask how my trip is going and when I’m coming back. As you can probably tell from the relative silence here, I’ve been away for a few weeks for some salmon fishing and while I’m not home yet I will be heading home fairly soon. Junior has been kindly holding down the fort in my absence and putting up a few posts about Tom Bailey that we wrote up before I left.

Marc Aroner Salmon Fishing

A longer fishing report will be in order when I have a chance to unload some photos and reflect a little bit, but for the time being I’ll just say that the fishing has been middling (or at least the catching of the fish). I’ve caught some salmon but the numbers haven’t exactly been stellar. There is always the chance, of course, that we’ll get a late slug of fish and that will change everything, but those sorts of things are always difficult to predict. Fingers crossed.

Of course this trip for me is about a lot more than fish. One thing I look forward to as much as the fishing are the people that I get to spend time with, old fishing buddies who are able to make it up and who I don’t always get to see a whole lot. And of course there are a number of locals that I’ve gotten to know pretty well too, and it’s nice to catch up with them and see how things have been going.

Finally, this trip has also gotten me thinking more broadly about the fate of Atlantic Salmon in general. I take a back seat to no one when it comes to salmon conservation and, well, to put it mildly, I’d still like to see us do more to ensure the future of the fish. For their sake, but also for ours.

See you all soon.


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