For sale here is a stunning reel made by Georg Lundwall from Sweden. Georg hand-makes each part of his reels.
This is his "White-Faced Glider Click Reel" with Meek-style rim bands. Classic all-aluminum Vom-Hofe style reel with aluminum rims, sideplates, spool, and foot, polished stainless steel handle arm, pillars, and screws. The handle grasp is made of buffalo horn. Artfully bolstered pillars. The reel is in new condition - never lined.
The click reels have an adjustable disc brake (two teflon discs and three stainless steel discs).
Right or left hand retrieve. The "overspeed protection" function allows enough tension for most trout situations, preventing line backlash when stripping line or when a fish makes a run. However, the adjustable disc pressure allows for more tension when required. This tension is the same on incoming and outgoing directions.
Measuring 3.21" in diameter, the reel weighs 7.40 oz, and the spool width is 0.90". Made to accommodate a DT5 plus 80 yards of 20# backing.
The reel case is made from Cognac Brown leather and waxed linen thread. Very finely executed as well!