For sale here is an impregnated Phillipson Peerless "5" -- 7 1/2' 5wt bamboo rod with a marked weight of 3 3/4 oz. The rod is in excellent original condition having been cared for very well with only the slightest signs of use.
Moderately tempered impregnated cane with dark bronze wraps and gold tipping. Bright guides. The script remains as clean and bold as the day it was written. Aluminum cone winding check. The Garrison/cigar grip measures 6 1/8" in length with moderate soiling and slight ridging. Aluminum down-locking reel seat with minor wear to the butt cap. The ferrule fit is great, indented witness marks. Medium-fast dry-fly action. Smooth and crisp with excellent recovery, the butt provides ample backbone while the tips allow for finesse and delicacy. A fine trout rod. There are slight easily mendable sets in each section.
This rod was produced during Phillipson's 3M era shortly after the lifting of the embargo with China in 1971, a notable period in bamboo fly rod making. The rod includes its original bag and tube with label intact. Don't miss out on a solid rod at a great price.