An excellent Aroner Hunt Pattern that was completed in the mid-to-late 1980's and which is mint and unfished! As with many of my rods from this period, the action of this rod is a crisp dry fly and slightly faster than my current models. The reel seat spacer is a lovely burl walnut with cap and ring hardware. There is a hook keeper on the wrap flat. Oxidized swiss ferrules (with no ferrule plugs). Medium cigar grip with a heat shrink plastic wrapper over it. Flamed cane with a displacement technique for the nodes and a 3-up distribution pattern. May rose wraps with orange edges. Black SRMC stripping guide with black high speed steel snake guides and small hoop tip-tops. Flawless varnish. Mirrored tips. Polished aluminum tube with brass fittings. This rod would be excellent for small stream dry fly fishing!