There is no fly that will catch as many trout at the Bivisible fly properly handled... If you see no flies, tie on a size 12 Bivisible. It seems to attract the trout when there are no hatches on the water... Bivisibles float high, it is hard indeed to sink them, they are easily seen when floating on the stream and the trout take them very well. Certainly one cannot ask for anything better than that. — Ed Hewitt
A great tie-on fly to begin a long summer day. Easy to see, great for beginners, and still effective after all these years.
Rather than the caterpillar it more closely resembles, most believe a stiff-hackled Bivisible is taken for a high-floating adult insect that dimples the surface. Great for riffle fishing when the sun is high.
Size 12.
Check out the entire selection of flies available from Buck Ryan of Flies for Rivers here.