For sale here is an exceptional bamboo fly rod made by Ed Fody. 8 1/2' with three sections and two tips for a 7/8 line.Excellent+ original condition.
Hoagy Carmichael Jr. calls Ed Fody his "favorite" student in the chapter about Ed in his latest book Sidecasts.
The rod features straw colored cane with golden honey wraps and chestnut tipping. One tip-top is wrapped in red to distinguish it from the other. The guides have a slightly bronzed look to them. Agate stripping guide. The script remains clean and bold. The original owner's name is also written on the cane on the butt sections. Ring hook keeper. Garrison-style grip. 6 1/2" in length with only the lightest soiling. Bright nickel silver down-locking reel seat over a mortised wood spacer. The butt cap features the initials of the original owner's name. The Swiss-style ferrules have an excellent fit and include the original ferrule plugs. The rod weighs in at an even 6 oz. The action is an authoritative medium-fast. All sections of the rod are full length and straight. Includes the original bag and tube with fine brass fittings and label.
Read much more about Ed Fody's rods in Hoagy's book Sidecasts.