A nice Gary Howells bamboo fly rod, 7'6", 2-piece, 2-tip, and built for a #3 or #4 line. Serial #5321. The rod weighs 3.3 ounces on my scale. Lightly used condition with everything as it should be with one exception, which is that the top snake guide on one tip is slightly bent out of shape but seems well attached so I think the rod should perform just fine (I also spoke with Robert Bolt, and he is happy to repair this should the new owner wish). Medium to slow action. Oven tempered cane done in a two opposed pattern. Brown wraps with yellow edges at all guides and ferrules. #8 SRMC carbide stripper and chrome guides and tip tops. The ferrule fits are good and the rod is straight. Excellent varnish. The grip is 6" long and shaped to a western profile with a hidden pocket cap and the reel seat is an aluminum uplocking screwlock. The rod packs into a maroon bag and standard Howells tube with the data sticker affixed.