For Sale: Hardy Palakona Fairy Bamboo Rod
Here is one of the nicest casting Hardy's I have ever picked up, an 8'6" 3/2 5wt Fairy rod. This rod feels like a wisp in hand which I guess is where the name originated. To me the feel is much like a Payne 204. This rod has been restored sometime in its history and the ghost marks of all the original intermediates are still slightly visible. The rod is dead straight and the ferrule fit is excellent. The rod is stored in its original marked Hardy bag inside of the original bamboo tube inside of the original outer bag. The leather cap for the bamboo tube is missing but the contents are all held in by the outer bag very nicely. One tip is down 3.25" at the ferrule and the ultra fine tips match up perfectly. Most Hardy's were one tippers anyway. This is a way cool rod that is very fishable to this day.