For sale here is a 3 1/2" Hardy Perfect wide drum fly reel with MKII check from the late 1920's / early 1930's. The reel has been repaired at some point on the winding plate and frame as can be seen in the very clear photos. The edge of the winding plate and the frame were lightly and neatly filed to resolve an issue, of which I have no knowledge concerning. All I know is that the repair was done right and this remains an excellent example otherwise of a wide drum Hardy Perfect. This is an excellent fishing reel mechanically, tight and without issue. Full length ribbed brass foot. The fat ebonite handle spins freely. No line burns to worry about. Good spool/spindle fit. No line guide so easily convertible to LHW.
Take this warrior fishing for some steelhead a fraction of the price of the same reel without having been repaired.