An excellent piece of history here, as this was the last rod that Gary ever built. It is a 7'6" rod, 2-piece, 2-tip, and weighing in at 3 oz. Serial #6304 and feels perfect for #3/4 weight line. Mint and unfished. Lovely flawless varnish, western grip, up lock aluminum screwlock and beautifully varnished wood spacer. Brown wraps, yellow edges, chrome guides, and tip tops. Medium to slow action. This rod has never seen a line.
Accompanying this rod is a letter from Robert Bolt which attests that this rod is the last rod ever made by Gary (Robert, of course, purchased the Howells shop which includes all of Gary's records). Maroon bag, aluminum tube with proper Howells sticker, aluminum and cork ferrule plug.
A fantastic piece of history here, and you won't find a better museum-quality Howells for your collection.