An excellent Paul Young Parabolic 15 fly rod, 8' 2-piece 2-tip, serial #2066. This rod is lettered in three lines "Frank E. Wood July 1955", "Parabolic 15" 8' 4oz", "Paul Young co. Detroit- Maker". #2066 is lettered beneath the female ferrule. #2066 wet on the wrap flat just above the male ferrule on one tip and #2066 dry on the other. The dry tip has a band of red at the ferrule and on the tip top. Mottled flame treatment of the cane temper. Oxidized Super Zee ferrule with the Super Zee logo stamp. Mustard gold wraps with chrome guides and tip-tops. Half wells grip (12 corks) with a mortised cork seat. Nickel silver ring and pocket cap. Pocket cap is stamped " Paul H Young co, Detroit- Mich". Rod is straight, clean and in exceptional condition, nearly mint to my eye. Original bag and tube.