For sale here is a very scarce Shakespeare "Presentation" Wonderod (fiberglass). No. 1295. I would guess there were only a few made... for catalog photos and maybe a top executive or two. The rod retailed in 1953 for $150 (over $2,000 in today's money), a lot more than most cane rods at the time. Truly a rare rod, and a part of history. The rod was re-wrapped by Fred Paddock, as the original wraps were too fragile for anything other than looking at the rod in the case. It's a lovely casting rod for a DT4 or DT5 line. In the photos you will see lots of "hair" on the rod -- this is from the case in which the rod rests.
I have attached a catalog excerpt from 1953 on the rod, the text of which follows:
The "Presentation" Wonderod - The Howald Process Fly Wander-Wand
No other fly rod in the world can be built like this "presentation" Wonder-Wand -- a supreme edification of what can be done by the Howald Process (Shakespeare's exclusive method of fabricating fiber glass into the finest fishing rods). Dr. Howald, the inventor of glass fishing rods, called this rod "a dream rod" -- all 2 1/2 ounces of it. It's definitely not for beginners and you can't abuse it. But, keep in mind what a wonderful presentation gift it would be to the ardent dry fly fisherman. There's nothing an angler of the school of Izaak Walton would appreciate more than the Wonder-Wand, the ultimate in fly rods! The Wonder-Wand has gold plated appointments and comes in a beautiful mahogany carrying case -- with a gold plated inscriptional plate on it. This little sweetheart will take either an HEH, or HDH double taper fly line.
No. 1295 - 7'3. Each $150